Events Schedule

 Children's PBC Camp Logo2024 ScheduleD EventS

Note: For notifications and updates concerning Teen M@TteRs or Encounter Kids events, email our office with your contact details. We will then send you invites to all our youth programs!  

Join Us for Friday Morning Prayer Weekly @ 10 am in the Lamplighter Restaurant


1/20 Men's Breakfast 8:00 am


2/17 Men's Breakfast 8:00 am

2/19 Prayer Council Board Meeting 6:30 pm

2/22 Encounter Kids Winter Fun Day

2/25 Teen M@tters Worship Night 6:30 pm


3/4 Women's Weekly Bible Study- The Daniel Code (Mondays- 8 wks) 6:00 PM

3/9 Men's Breakfast 8:00 am


4/13 Men's Breakfast 8:00 am

Women's Bible Study- Weekly Mondays 6:00 PM Lamplighter

4/22 Prayer Council Board Meeting 6:30 pm

Teen M@tteRs TBA


Adopt a Cabin Renovations Ongoing- Contact Us to Volunteer!

5/2- 5/4 Spring Work Weekend #1- Meals & Lodging Provided RSVP by email or call us! 

5/16-5/18 Spring Work Weekend #2 - Meals & Lodging Provided RSVP by email or call us! 

5/28- 6/1 Americade CMA and HF Riders


Adopt a Cabin Renovations Ongoing- Contact Us to Volunteer!

6/29 Coltart/Traina Graduation Celebration

6/30 Hodges Graduation Celebration

6/3 Prayer Council Board Meeting 


7/7 Church of the Nations Picnic & Baptism

7/16 Counselor Training & Mixer

7/20 - 7/23 Camp Encounter Senior Camp (entering 8th-12th grade)

7/26 - 7/29 Camp Encounter Junior Camp (entering 4th-7th grade)   


8/2- 8/4 Friends of Peniel Reunion

8/4 Church of the King Picnic & Baptism

8/16-8/18  Global Mission Church Retreat

8/18-8/19 NCFC Youth Overnight

8/26 Council Board Meeting  @6:30 pm


9/12-9/13 Pastor's Retreat



10/5 Encounter Kids Fall Fun Day 11:00 am

10/12 Men's Breakfast 8:00 am

10/17-10/19 Fall Work Weekend 

10/31 Prayer Council Board Meeting 


11/2-11/3 Teen M@tters Boy's Overnight

11/9 Men's Breakfast 8:00 am

11/9-11/10 Teen M@tters Girl's Overnight 

11/11 Encounter Kids Fall Fun Day 11:00am


12/14  Men's Breakfast 8:00 am 

Prayer Council Board Meeting (moved to Jan)

January 2025 

1/2 Teen M@tters New Year Kick Off 6:00 pm

1/4 Encounter Kids Winter Fun Day 11:00 am

1/6 Prayer Council Board Meeting @ 6:30 pm

1/11 Men's Breakfast 8:00 am 

Full 2025 Schedule to be Released in January!

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